Monday, March 31, 2008

S&S Entertainment Central Podcast Episode 2

Gaming News:

~Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack
~Grand Theft Auto 4 Continued Thoughts
~Final Fantasy 13
~Metal Gear Solid 4
~Fable 2
~Gears of War 2

Movie News:
~Street Fighter
~Mortal Kombat
~Star Trek
~Speed Racer

I hope you enjoy the show. This episode is alot more organised then the first one. I'm learning as I go. Hopefully I'll be able to get my cousin on the show with me somehow. Being a one man show wasn't really the plan. But anyway, download the show and listen tell your friends about it and help the site grow.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

S&S Entertainment Central Podcast Episode 1

S&S Entertainment Central Podcast Episode 1

This is the first podcast for our site. I really hope you enjoy it and tell your friends and family about it. In this episode I talk about:

Video Games:
~Grand Theft Auto 4

~The Incredible Hulk
~Iron Man

~A pretty lengthy Review of Amazing Spider-Man 554 and what I think about the new direction Spider-Man is heading in.

So download and listen. If you have any questions or suggestions and comments feel free to leave some feedback. I hope you enjoy the show and hopefully I'll figure out a way for me and my cousin to do the show together in the future so that we can let you have a full taste of what this site is all about.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Iron Man

Ok, I am a huge fan of anything Entertainment (obviously or I wouldn't have made this page). I have to say that I am extremely excited about the new Iron Man movie thats about to come to theatres. But even thought I am excited I still know there is a chance this movie could be a huge let down. The cast for this film seem to be the correct for the roles they play. I mean come on, a drunken womanizer (Robert Downey Jr.) playing the role of a drunken womanizer (Tony Stark), that is so perfect. And no disrespect meant to Mr. Downey, but I just love to point out irony. Anyway the movie comes out May 2, 2008. Go see it and have some fun, I know I definately will.

Friday, March 28, 2008

NCAA Tournament

Last night in a exciting heart pounding game, UNC beat Washington State 68-47. Now they will be facing Louisville in the next round. This tournament has been keeping me watching since the start. It's been really well played all around. I just want to say to all the players and coaches involved, keep up the good work. UCLA will face Xavier on Saturday, so don't miss that game. There will be some college basketball games tonight too. So tune in to your local stations and root for your favorite teams.

Grand Theft Auto IV

Now unless you have been living under a rock, you know exactly what the Grand Theft Auto video game series is. Grand Theft Auto 4, as you can tell by the video, is going to be huge. This is the series' first release on the new generation of video game consoles. Which basically means the game is going to be able to convey alot more emotion and action then ever before.

Rockstar (the creators of the series) loves to push the boundaries of how games should be made. They are not shy about causing controversay. I personally think its great when a entertainment company isn't afraid to show some guts and think outside of the box to make something fun and entertaining. Now if you want my opinion (which you wouldn't be here if you didn't), I say go out and preorder this game right now. I have a good feeling that this game isn't going to dissapoint anyone who is into gritty action games.

When this game is released S&S Entertainment Central will have a huge review of the game. We will go through the entire game and tell you exactly whether this game deserves the hype it's getting. Oh, and let me just explain how we rate games or anything we review. We go by a scale of 1-10 S's. 1 of course being a horrible abomination of mankind and 10 being a shining example of what makes this world great. So thats just about it for this post. More stuff is on the way, so don't worry it's going to be very exciting.

Welcome to our blog

I know this blog doesn't look like much now. But in the coming weeks me and my cousin are gonna turn this site into a one stop gateway to everything in the entertainment and sports industry that you care about. So stick with us and I promise you won't be dissapointed. If you have any suggestion into how to make this blog better just leave comments. If this blog gets enough traffic me and my cousin will turn it into a full blown website. I hope you enjoy your stay.